ゆるりんの『熨斗楽観 ~noshirakkan~』へようこそ!
<English follows Japanese >
Welcome to Yururin's Noshirakkan!
Yururin sells art with the auspicious motif of "Noshi(熨斗) & Gift Envelopes". Please display it in your room and look at it every day! Or, keep it in a drawer and you can pick it up whenever you need a positive feeling!
Yururin hopes it will encourage someone.
With that thought in mind, the owner, Yururin creates each item.
【The theme:encouragement】
Yururin likes to think about death,but It's not I want to die.try to spend days facing the fact that death will come someday.
Yururin has had a lot of illnesses and injuries in the past, so perhaps it's natural coming to think like this.
If Yururin were to die tomorrow,thought about what I would like to leave behind. At this point, the answer is "encouragement." Even after I die, the future of people and the world will continue, so I would be happy if I could leave a small sign of encouragement.
【Who is Yururin?】
Yururin is diligently creating things. I have ADHD, and I live a
hyperactive life with images and pictures running around in my brain. I post a lot of my work on Instagram, so if you're interested, check it out! (Link below)